You Are God's Best!

God bless you abundantly in the name of our living lord and savior Jesus Christ. This web log is entitled Sonship Rights to bring to remembrance its importance to you as sons and daughters of God. Justification, the Ministry of Reconcilation, Redemption, Rightousness, and Santification are invaluable Christian rights. Precious as you are to God and His household, feel free to post a comment at anytime as this site is updated regularly.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Outreach Strategies

Remember the increase isn't always the reward for speaking God's Word consider Jesus Christ & Paul's mastery of the scriptures and their skillfullness in articulating the Word they studied...
Weekly personal goal to speak to 5 folks
Keep journal of contacts
Commit to follow up in 48 hours
Attend outreach events
Adhere to regional suggestions
One on one equals two by two 
Weekly sharings
Schedule more game nights and invites
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Upcoming Events

Way of Abundance & Power Class July/August 2011
Way Class Presentation 06/26/2011
Branch Outreach @ Joppa 06/25/2011
Pentecost Hookup 06/12/2011
Renewed Mind Class 06/03-05/2011
Statewide Youth Advance 05/07/2011

Friday, January 11, 2008

Be Great in 2011!

Got Goals? Stay Blessed!
Remember Your Spiritual Priorities...
Your Fellowship with God
Your Spouse
Your Children
Your Job
The Work of the Ministry

Blog Archive