You Are God's Best!

God bless you abundantly in the name of our living lord and savior Jesus Christ. This web log is entitled Sonship Rights to bring to remembrance its importance to you as sons and daughters of God. Justification, the Ministry of Reconcilation, Redemption, Rightousness, and Santification are invaluable Christian rights. Precious as you are to God and His household, feel free to post a comment at anytime as this site is updated regularly.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Got Believing? What's Your Temperature?

What's your believing temperature today?
Abundantly Share...
Speaking the Truth In Love...

Share your victories!


greenjoy said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi. To keep better track of my temperature of believing I started posting to this web log--tonight i'll follow up with katie.

Anonymous said...

Suggested Edith start with Acts. She was discouraged when she began in Genesis and got to Numbers.

Anonymous said...

Went to see Gilbert, Leighs cat who had a major injure. Believingly she come to the picnic Sunday.

Anonymous said...

A new person came to fellowship!

Anonymous said...

Had a fun evening witnessing at towson place last night...there was a diverse group of people to speak to e.g., the nepalnese who were hindu, the neo-muslim/post-christian family of 5, the nigerian nurse who was a 7th day adventist name Toha who said she'd check out the website, alison who accepted by suggestion to make a masculine scrapbook for her boyfriend with biblical verses which are light and life to inspire her boyfriend who just had a serious surgery...And not to mention looking at all those silly Dora dolls with M.H.

Anonymous said...

Made the Dean's List Spring 08--Yeah God! js

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